Sign up using promo code :
RICEGUM - 2 Choose your bonus, complete the steps
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Contact us @RoobetOffers and send us your Roobet Username and your desired bonus.

Deposit $25 and wager $40 on any slot machine and receive 125 free spins worth $25 on Gates of Olympus.
KYC Level 2 Required
Allow Roobet 24 hours to credit your 125 Free Spins
Contact us on Twitter @RoobetOffers and send us your Roobet Username and your desired bonus.

Deposit $50 and wager $75 on any slot machine and receive a free $50 bonus.
KYC Level 2 Required
Allow Roobet 24 hours to credit your $50 bonus
Contact us on Twitter @RoobetOffers and send us your Roobet Username and your desired bonus.